Letter from Shelly Voet, MD - Executive Community Physician Leader

April 23, 2024

Happy Spring to my fellow pediatric PCPs! I hope you are doing well.

This issue of Synapse has a great re-cap of the national AAP Advocacy Conference held earlier this month. Thanks to Chris Peltier MD of Pediatric Associates of Mt. Carmel for representing us, advocating for children, and sharing the update!

We are also sharing some resources that we hope you will find helpful. The first is a living resource map to local behavioral and mental health professionals in the region. We hope you will bookmark and share this very comprehensive guide with your team. The “Mood Action Plan” for teens and information about innovations in remote patient monitoring are also included.

Our CPAC group met this month with Scott Wexelblatt MD who leads the term nursery work in Neonatology for an update on Beyfortus plans fall of 2024. At this time, several of the local birth hospitals are going through the reservation process for Beyfortus for the fall of 2024 but have not yet determined if they will be able to provide it for healthy term infants. At least one birth hospital is reporting they will NOT be providing it for term newborns this year. We are hoping to provide a more detailed update on the term nursery plans by this summer. Dr. Wexelblatt encourages pediatric providers to consider entering the reservation program (https://pro.campus.sanofi/us/products/Beyfortus) by April 30th. This will help ensure eligible infants not able to be covered in the nurseries (including non-newborn infants) can receive Beyfortus in their medical home. Our group is also meeting with IS regarding some planned changes in the E-Consult system for specific conditions. Please keep an eye out for communications from Therese Martin regarding this.

Finally, please take the time to complete the Community Physician and Provider Survey from Therese Martin.  You should have received this email yesterday. We greatly appreciate your input. Our Community Practice Advisory Council works closely with the Physician Outreach team to formulate the questions and to review the results and your comments! This survey results will be shared with leaders within the hospital and helps to guide CPAC’s work over the next 2 years.



Shelly F. Voet MD

Pediatric Associates PSC
CCHMC Executive Community Physician Leader


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